Monday, October 20, 2014

Going out: Farmer's Market

M and I go to the Farmer's Market most weekends. We don't buy much, but it is one of the best places to people-watch. And if I get there early enough and it's been raining, I usually buy a yummy gluten-free Steak and Egg pie from a wonderful man from New Zealand. However if I decide to sleep in or the weather is just marvelous, he's usually sold out by the time I get there. Either way, walking around the Farmer's Market with my morning coffee is a cozy and relaxing date to start the weekend.

See it here on Polyvore

1. Jacket by Ruche
2. Scarf by Modcloth
3. Pants by Modcloth
4. Shirt by Modcloth
5. Boots by Urban Outfitters

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